I started got the skin allergy after MCO due to chemical contacting. Already seeked for few doctors recovered and returned back, keep repeating.<br /> Only 2 week used the Galesie Cream, my allergy had totally recovered. My skin is looking good, and no more rashes come back after i stopped using it. Highly Recommend!
This is my second purchase, sugar level maintain at healthy level and continue to consume it.
Title for your review
目前用过最好用最有效的皮肤药膏。我的儿子本身背部有严重痘痘问题,涂了本草霜后,他背部的痘痘消肿消炎的很快。冰冰凉凉很舒服,不会油油的。痘痘没有复发!也让婆婆使用在富贵手脱皮敏感的手,的确在很短的时间就康复, 也是婆婆用过最好用很有效的药膏。