BZG LuoHan Guo Snow Pear Sweet Soup
BZG LuoHan Guo Snow Pear Sweet Soup Traditionally use for clearing heat & moistening lung, improving production of fluid.
BZG LuoHan Guo Snow Pear Sweet Soup Traditionally use for clearing heat & moistening lung, improving production of fluid.
Osmanthus fragrans is harvested, air-dried, carefully selected and hand-brewed with pure honey. It is now available in a single system without any preservatives or additives. Osmanthus in the ancients believed that the length of white medicine. Osmanthus fragrans is used in food and cosmetics, can be made into cakes, candies, and can be made.
250gm / bottle
Nourishing Collagen Peach Gum Dessert traditionally used for healthy food rich in collagen and amino acids acids. For beautiful healthy skin.
Yik Poh Ling Cooling Oral Liquid traditionally used for relief of sore throat, cough, fever.