EcoHerbs Rejuvenation NeemCare Organics Scalp Package Complete Set
EcoHerbs Rejuvenation NeemCare Organics Scalp Package Complete Set
EcoHerbs Rejuvenation NeemCare Organics Scalp Package Complete Set
EcoHerbs Citrus Hystrix Package Value Complete Hair Care/Hair Loss/Hair Thinning Set
EcoHerbs Ginseng Extra Strength Package Value Complete Set
Rich in neem extracts and aloe vera which conditions for softer texture and less frizzy hair.
EcoHerbs NeemCare Scalp Rejuvenation Shampoo - 200ML
EcoHerbs Pomegranate VCO Cream (Vitamin E Rich With Protein) Natural Hair Care/Hair Loss/Hair Thinning - 100g
Completely solves itchiness & severe cases of dandruff problems, Treats serious cases of oily/itchy/dry/flaky scalp problems, Makes hair strong & don't break easily, Protects the hair from the damages done by over exposure to sun and hair styling products, Reduces stress, headaches & migraines, Increases blood circulation to the scalp & completely cures dry skin
Weight: 125ML
Stops hair loss/hair thinning, Stronger, shinier, thicker hair, Treats dandruff, scalp itchiness, dry scalp, oily scalp, lice, Nourishes hair structure to remain fresh & healthy, Therapeutic, soothing & cooling on scalp to treat migraines & headache
Weight: 150ML
New baby hair re-growth, Stimulates new hair follicles, Add thickness and fullness and ending scalp show through, Nourishes hair structure to remain fresh & healthy