
Why Does Hair Fall Out When Washing? | BaiZiGui

Why Does Hair Fall Out When Washing? | BaiZiGui

Common Phenomenon of Hair Loss When Washing

Hair falling out when washing is a very common phenomenon. Many people find that every time they wash their hair, there is a noticeable amount of hair in the drain and on the comb. This situation can be worrying, especially when the amount of hair loss seems to be more than usual. In fact, hair loss to a certain extent is a normal physiological occurrence.

Hair Life Cycle and Natural Shedding

To understand why a lot of hair falls out when washing, it's essential to understand the hair life cycle. The hair life cycle is divided into three stages: the anagen phase, the catagen phase, and the telogen phase.

Anagen Phase

This is the growth phase of hair, lasting about 2 to 6 years. During this phase, hair continuously divides and grows in length.

Catagen Phase

In this phase, hair stops growing, and the hair follicle starts to shrink, lasting about 2 to 3 weeks. It is a transitional phase where the growth rate slows down until it stops.

Telogen Phase

Hair enters the telogen phase, where it no longer grows and eventually falls out naturally. This phase lasts about 3 months. At this time, new hair starts to form in the hair follicle, pushing out the old hair.

Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal, as hair is at different stages of its lifecycle at different times.

Reasons for Hair Loss When Washing

Several reasons can lead to increased hair loss when washing:

Scalp Massage

The massaging action during washing can cause hair in the telogen phase to fall out prematurely.

Fragility of Wet Hair

Hair is more fragile when wet and prone to breakage and falling out.

Choice of Shampoo

Using unsuitable shampoo products can irritate the scalp and hair, leading to hair loss.

High Water Temperature

Excessive water temperature can make the scalp and hair overly dry, increasing the risk of hair loss.

Other Factors Affecting Hair Loss

Apart from washing, other factors also influence the amount of hair loss:


High-stress levels can cause hormonal changes, affecting the hair growth cycle. Extreme stress can lead to hair loss conditions such as alopecia areata and telogen effluvium.

Unbalanced Diet

Lack of essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and protein can increase hair loss. A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining healthy hair.

Hormonal Changes

Pregnancy, menopause, or taking certain medications can affect hormone levels, impacting hair health. Postpartum hair loss and menopause-related hair loss are common.

Genetic Factors

People with a family history of hair loss are more prone to hair loss. Genetic hair loss mainly manifests as male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness.

How to Reduce Hair Loss When Washing

To reduce hair loss when washing, consider the following methods:

Choose the Right Shampoo

Use mild, suitable shampoos for your hair type and avoid products with excessive chemical ingredients. Natural ingredient shampoos can reduce scalp irritation.

Control Water Temperature

Use lukewarm water to wash your hair, avoiding overly hot water. High water temperatures can disrupt the natural oil balance of the scalp, causing dryness and hair loss.

Correct Washing Method

Gently massage the scalp without pulling the hair. Use your fingertips to gently massage the scalp during washing to promote blood circulation and benefit hair health.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

Ensure adequate intake of vitamins and minerals to keep hair healthy. Foods rich in protein, iron, and zinc, such as fish, eggs, and green vegetables, are particularly beneficial.

Reduce Stress

Reduce life stress through exercise, meditation, and other methods. Adequate sleep and a happy mood help maintain healthy hair.

BaiZiGui's Hair Care Products Introduction

Baizigui offers various hair care products designed for different hair types and needs:

Mild Shampoo

Free from sulfates and other irritating ingredients, suitable for sensitive scalps. The gentle formula effectively cleanses the scalp and hair while maintaining the natural balance of the scalp.

Nourishing Conditioner

Enriched with natural plant extracts to deeply nourish hair and improve dryness and split ends. The nutrients in the conditioner effectively repair damaged hair, making it smoother and shinier.

Scalp Care Essence

Contains ingredients that promote blood circulation and hair follicle health, helping to reduce hair loss. Regular use of scalp essence activates hair follicles, increasing hair growth rate and density.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I wash my hair each week?

The frequency of washing hair varies from person to person. Generally, oily hair can be washed every other day, while dry or normal hair can be washed 2-3 times a week. For those with oily scalps, increasing the frequency of washing can keep the scalp clean, while those with dry scalps should reduce washing frequency to avoid excessive cleaning that leads to dryness.

Which shampoo ingredients should be avoided?

Avoid shampoos containing sulfates (such as sodium lauryl sulfate), parabens, and artificial fragrances, as these ingredients may irritate the hair and scalp. Opt for shampoos with natural ingredients to minimize harm to the scalp and hair.

How can diet improve hair health?

Consuming foods rich in protein, iron, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, and Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, green vegetables, and fruits, helps maintain healthy hair. A balanced diet not only provides the necessary nutrients for hair but also improves overall health, thereby reducing hair loss problems.


Hair loss during washing is a normal phenomenon, but if the amount of hair loss is significantly high, attention should be paid to daily care and lifestyle adjustments. Choosing the right hair care products, maintaining a healthy diet, and reducing stress are effective methods to reduce hair loss. Baizigui's hair care products can provide comprehensive hair care, helping to maintain healthy and beautiful hair.

By adopting proper hair care practices and a healthy lifestyle, we can effectively reduce hair loss during washing and maintain dense and shiny hair. Baizigui is committed to offering high-quality hair care products to help every customer solve hair loss problems and achieve healthy, beautiful hair. Visit Baizigui to learn more about hair care information and product choices, and let your hair shine with health.

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